Public Consultation
Public Consultation on Supplementary Environmental Information Submission
Any representations from the public to the application may be submitted via the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit website at; by email to the Energy Consents Unit mailbox at; or by post to the Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the proposal and specifying the grounds for representation. Please note that there may be a delay in the Energy Consents Unit receiving representations by post.
Written or emailed representations should be dated, clearly stating the name (in block capitals), full return email and postal address of those making representations. Only representations sent by email to will receive acknowledgement. All representations should be received not later than Friday 1st December 2023, although Ministers may consider representations received after this date.

Project Manager

Development Director
Pre-Application Public Consultation
Wind2 held an in-person exhibition at Strathy Hall on 6th October 2021 and a Virtual Public Exhibition on 16th March 2022, where the updated proposals for the Kirkton Energy Park were presented.
The Exhibition will remain available to visit and can be accessed using the link provided:
Website Link: